El artista José López nació en Elche Alicante (España) el 30 de Mayo del 1975. Heredó el talento artístico de su abuelo ,un reconocido pintor autodidacta ,paisajista con toques sensiblemente realistas y colores armónicos. Su abuelo tuvo el don de inspirar a su nieto a despertar el gran talento de su creatividad . También su madre heredó el talento de su padre y así José López comenzó su carrera artistica autodidacta a la edad de 17 años . Un artista inconformista de estilo proprio , influenciado por la admiración absoluta sobre el cubismo de Pablo Picasso.
The artist José López was born in Elche Alicante (Spain) on May 30, 1975. He inherited the artistic talent of his grandfather, a renowned self-taught painter and landscape painter with sensitively realistic touches and harmonious colors. His grandfather had the gift of inspiring his grandson to awaken his great creative talent. His mother also inherited the talent of his father and thus José López began his self-taught artistic career at the age of 17. A nonconformist artist with his own style, influenced by the absolute admiration for the cubism of Pablo Picasso.